

The format supported by iPod

Wanted to technically still opened a title, because this question concerned about gad too many, I want to explain what the just, apple, does not support any support, is has its reason, moreover, even in it seems these reasons are contradictory place, this is due to historical process to cause, has its reasonable explanation, apple and no you imagination so contradictions YouTube Downloader Mac

DivineGuardian in ipod support format on case is additional kind,
Because I have more experience.
A lot of friends have watched my ipod loves, Video Converter for Mac
When I explained it cannot support wma/RMVB/avi/ape in commonly used formats, etc.
Most are says it will not buy,
DivineGuardian only think mp3 is commonly used formats is very biased.
Business interests you direct explain commercial interests.

You talk like that is right? Theoretical will not alternative? I can tell you

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"I have had more experience.
A lot of friends have watched my ipod loves,
When I explained it cannot support wma/RMVB/avi/ape in commonly used formats, etc.
Most said it doesn't matter, have mp3 and mp4 can!"

DVD Ripper for Mac Firstly, who prove you and I say is true?
Second, even if we say is true, this small crowd what representative?

Really there is no mean much argument, iPod in does not support you said the pile of format, under the situation of still occupied mobile player market, already enough explains most people don't not need you those format not enough explains your experience is not reliable. I don't know if you need any "theoretical", what reason? If you need a reason, that I might give you some reasons.

Apple certainly is for "commercial interests", I never denied "commercial interests", does not support wma, on the one hand, the competition between intellectual property and, on the other hand, is iTunes and Microsoft MSN online shop, and even other each big adopts wma format online shop, including Audible. Com, Napster, PassAlong, CinemaNow, the competition between. Of course the individual thinks to still have a little aspect, is wma format timbre and aac and mp3 to lower than all, specific evaluating online to go to their search.

Don't support AVI, Mac DVD Video Converter because avi itself not good compressed format, do not suit to watch on a mobile device. Microsoft himself knows that, so Zune don't support avi. Your mobile device such small screen, wanted to read blue? Resolution limit everything. Besides, this is Microsoft's format, can need not as far as possible need not.

Support WAV, because wav is the main CD quality (incompressible) format, this is to provide customers with a selection of music, as a player, while supporting lossy compressed format and the compressed format, which is inherently a basic reasonable requirements? And support wav will not bring about significant potential losses and risk, because nobody in selling online music, large format wav listen to wav people less, can say wav it now basically is not a listen to music format, with only professional use, such as the recording technician and DJ used more. In addition, wav in the past has been iPod recording format (mono wav), of course, are now NiuQi apple iPod's latest apple is also become the recording formats FLV to Final Cut Pro

Don't support RMVB, because RMVB is private formats, realnetworks is rm this network online watch format of a natural derivative, but because be variable bitrate, unable to predict instantaneous bandwidth, not suitable for network transmission, realnetworks yourself don't know how to use this format, money, real income is mainly derived from the network video online watch subscribers, and his online music store iPod Transfer Mac (sell or aac format music), became a "opposition" private formats, network applications will only be used for almost BTers pressure piracy piece, and has no transmission is an online store selling RMVB film and video online (sell mp3 but some, like wal-mart). In iTunes h.264 video sells on the are big stars: Paramount, NBC, Disney, universal... Even if the apple want iPod support RMVB, those big shots Ken? Let oneself potential customers to see BT piece? They also make what?

Support mp3, first is mp3 patent: FLV Converter for Mac Fraunhofer IIS - A is this patent completely contribution will come out of, mp3 to use, and to mp3 development are free of charge. In contrast, if the apple if support wma, support RMVB, want to sell every iPod and download each iTunes, pay to Microsoft and pay realnetworks (of course no fortress machine, because they at home, and the United States patent no business, they want to support what support what, and these international companies are generally nothing kung fu and fortress, make costly and time-consuming squeeze without much money), now apple iPod sell well, with what? And let your own user are large flow wma online shop, choose BT pirated movies instead of buying their own h.264, apple potential losses still don't know how much? Secondly, mp3 is mainly historical product, the next paragraph I mentioned. In addition, you think aac is an apple format? Not only the earliest publicly, apple in his own hardware and software support and one of the extensive use of aac, but due to the existence of itunes, aac popularizing and apple's interests are closely connected together, was born at itunes, plus after is Mac DVD to iPad even more so. Aac mpeg2 and mpeg4 in position, and mp3 position in mpeg1 same, belong to ISO/IEC standard, can saying is technically superior mp3 successor, both are open standard. You feel the apple support mp3 are only "support piracy"? No, apple is support open format, support open standards, support ISO international standardization, support technology and more excellent format, this and support RMVB, WMV such other company's private formats and wma such poor format is a difference, besides mp3 and RMVB different, mp3 at least have legally in selling online shop, and RMVB is out-and-out piracy communicators, a little cover all have no iPhone Ringtone Maker for Mac

As for ape in, such as WavePack flac, TTA, nondestructive, they are later emerged in the format, and still in competition with each other, not an absolute leading role, not selling music of the application, can say is only piracy transmission format just, Mac DVD to iPod so Apple released her point is to join, on the one hand, nondestructive Apple is intellectual property on one hand is the competition, wish I could hear Lossless consumers a choice, of course, theoretically Apple suppose you pressure is own original CD. This and branch does not support mp3 is nothing contradictory, apple just the iPod in 2001, mp3 format has wiser than he, and that apple is very embarrassed, no capital come up with your own set of lossy compression formats Mac Video Editor to strong push, music store is iPod online iTunes after the birth of a few years only appeared (although iTunes, this software is born in iPod appears before), when the apple only want to make money by selling player just, the first generation of iPod doesn't support aac format (and no one at can foresee digital music sales later in the online store iTunes sales model driven by's rise, at that time no player company is the "support genuine" the heart, to sell only sell players, represents the interests of the United States recording CD manufacturers association of industry, RIAA in mp3 player was born in 1998 was called a lawsuit, result lost, only then mp3 prosperity), since mp3 is open standard format, everyone is using, and support it himself without themselves to pay any penny, that support good, support wma haven't necessary, then just two years, wma out license fee, and support to napster has the mp3 turned into the absolute star. Contemporary players, including the Nomad, Rio 300, JazPiper, don't support wma, apple as Microsoft's old adversary how exception? Now apple different, much more money, NiuQi, want of course in the struggle against the format, nondestructive on a crowded seats at their own, and apple apple is also begins to sell audio and video products, also want to consider support copyrighted the interests of property owners, for some pirated flood format such as RMVB also Mac iPhone Video Converterignore. But for nondestructive format, it is really necessary to support, because for music, it timbre reached with the degree of lossy audio is completely enough to satisfy the "listen to music", not "fever") requirement, this is just like the telephone will adopt 300 ~ 3000 or 4000hz band can meet the need of "conversation", no need to completely with 20 ~ 20000hz to satisfy your ear completely hearing scope, if everyone of sound have burned as friendly requirements, UE will not only 30 million were logitech acquired, similarly, if iPod do not support this that nondestructive format really let market cannot tolerate words, apple won't have the bank who now enough to purchase off dell's 250 million dollars. This is like A Mac iPod Video ConverterDVD VCD, CD instead of replacing the tape, is almost overnight thing, but ten years past, the next generation of Audio formats or carrier, DVD - or not replace the flow of numerous CD, reason is that CD quality has been able to satisfy the requirement of people, and DVDS - A compared to differences are not obvious, but does not like tapes and VCD, and CD, DVD contrast can see it, the former is absolutely inferior, can meet the people for video and growing demand. But nondestructive compressed format in case the foreign can really on mesa, apple inevitable was also one of the first will nondestructive compressed format legitimate sales merchants, like iTunes, one sales model will digital audio from piracy circulation bring sales market as the mesa. Mac DVD to iPhone, Mac iPad Video Converter.

tags: iPod, format, DVD, video, AVI, WAV, experience


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